Helpful reminders

Helpful reminders

*In order for your child to participate in gym, for their safety, please have them wear sneakers on our gym days (tues., thurs.)

*There will be a communication folder in their backpack.  All important notices going home will be in their folders.

Please check it regularly.  We will also check their folder daily for any important notices coming back to school.

* If your child is being picked up by someone who is not a regular pickup or you are runing late PLEASE call the classroom and let us know of any changes.

*I will be sending home Scholastic periodically. You may order online and pay by a credit card or order with the order form and pay by check.  Please note the due dates withe each order.

*Pizza will be offered every friday for $2.00 a slice. If your child does not wish to have pizza please pack a lunch.

*If you are sending in a heat up, please limit heat time to under a minute. We have 21 children and if we have to heat up alot of lunches it takes away from their lunch time.

* We will provide snack for the morning please pack a healthy snack for the afternoon.

*Label everything coming in to the classroom including pillow, blanket, jackets etc... This will eliminate any confusion on similar or same items between children.